Blazer5 Gaming and Oregon Army National Guard have partnered to bring you Leader of the Month – Andrew Michael Poe

Jake Jochim Leader of the Month

Leader of the Month – Andrew Michael Poe

Andrew, 24, has been in the ORNG for about 4 years. He joined when he was 19 and had a lack of purpose and motivation. He knew he needed to do something so he sought out the military and the ORNG seemed like it provided what he wanted. If he put the time in he could obtain the skills, purpose, opportunities and time to figure out who he really was. He got all that he wanted.

For anyone thinking about joining the Oregon Army National Guard, he wants them to know that the National Guard can provide the opportunities for school, housing, jobs friendship and a lot more. Things don’t come easy in life, but if you put in the hard work the National Guard will reward.

He has personally been able to help the fight against Covid-19. He’s on standby, ready to help against Wildfires and keeps himself mentally and physically fit to provide medical support to his fellow soldiers and civilian patients.

What skill do you think the Oregon Army National Guard taught you that you will take into life?

The ORNG has taught me many things it hard to sum up. Over the years I’ve learned to have better integrity, don’t lie and own up to your actions.

What is something you’d like people to know about the Oregon Amy National Guard?

People should know the ORNG provides, skills, opportunities, experiences and what not, but the best part about the entire thing is the people you’ll meet along the way. They make it all worth it.

What is your favorite video game?

My favorite video game has got to be FarCry3.

What is Leader of the Month?

The Oregon Army National Guard and Blazer5 Gaming have teamed up to highlight leaders in the community and celebrate their stories and initiatives. Each month, the Oregon Army National Guard will nominate a leader that is working to shape their community – National Guard Soldiers and civilians – all working together to lead the way into the future.