Blazer5 Gaming and Oregon Army National Guard have partnered to bring you Leader of the Month – Geoff Lopez

Leader of the Month w/ Geoff Lopez

Leader of the Month – Geoff Lopez

Geoff Lopez, 37 has been designated as this month’s Leader of the Month. Geoff is a leader in his community for his work as a public servant and with non-profits like the local history museum and local college. He is a husband, a father, an NBA fan, musician, podcaster, gamer and historian. His favorite game is Breath of the Wild and believes that gaming can help you solve problems in real life through learning team work and communication skills. His all-time favorite NBA leaders are Steve Nash, Brandon Roy and Damian Lillard as they have all stoked the fires of passion for his love of basketball.

What’s the funniest or most surprising reaction you’ve ever had to a victory or loss in a game?

Running and jumping around celebrating my first Warzone win.

Can you share a time when gaming helped you solve a problem in real life?

Team work and communication skills.

What is your favorite video game?

Breath of the Wild.

What is Leader of the Month?

The Oregon Army National Guard and Blazer5 Gaming have teamed up to highlight leaders in the community and celebrate their stories and initiatives. Each month, the Oregon Army National Guard will nominate a leader that is working to shape their community – National Guard Soldiers and civilians – all working together to lead the way into the future.