Blazer5 Gaming and Oregon Army National Guard have partnered to bring you Leader of the Month – Mason Quist

Mason Quist

Leader of the Month – Mason Quist

Mason excelled in his high school career, acting as a leader in various clubs and organizations. He was a leader of his speech and debate club and lead chair of his high school orchestra. Mason won the Directors award from his teacher for being a leader in his class.

Outside of school, he loves his family and the game of basketball. His all time favorite NBA leader is Michael Jordan, because he led through his actions and people naturally followed in his footsteps.

Can you share a time when gaming helped you solve a problem in real life?

I think gaming helps a lot when dealing with stress or anxiety as you go into a different world.

If you could teach a leadership class in the Oregon Army National Guard using NBA 2K, what would be your first lesson?

A class on the history of basketball using simulations of previous decades.

What’s your best gaming pro-tip?

You have to be able to communicate to your teammates because communication is key to winning.

What is Leader of the Month?

The Oregon Army National Guard and Blazer5 Gaming have teamed up to highlight leaders in the community and celebrate their stories and initiatives. Each month, the Oregon Army National Guard will nominate a leader that is working to shape their community – National Guard Soldiers and civilians – all working together to lead the way into the future.